New product - Friendly Yarn!
The new product in Bobbiny - Friendly Yarn - is an excellent addition to your collection. This yarn will be perfect for knitting, crocheting, and mini macrame making.
Braided structure makes your work a lot easier, and thanks to that, it is great for both advanced and beginner creators. With Friendly Yarn, being friends with
a crochet hook or knitting needles is simple!
Our yarn at the time of release is available in 12 colors loved by our customers, selected to match your taste. Everyone will find something for themselves! We are also planning to extend our offer with new colors!
What makes Bobbiny yarn so special? For sure, product composition! As you already know, in Bobbiny, we say NO to any chemicals and dyes; that's why our Friendly Yarn is not mercerized. Our vegan-friendly and eco-friendly product is made from 100% recycled cotton! Compared to wool yarn, it is less prone to pilling and delamination. Projects made with Friendly Yarn are also more practical because they maintain shape easily.
How many skeins do you need to make...
Simple croche top - 2 skeins
Small amigurumi plushie - less than 1 skein
Tube dress - 5/6 skeins
More ideas for Friendly Yarn projects you can find on our social media. Stay tuned because soon we will release some patterns and YouTube videos with our yarn!
Looking for some inspiration? Check out our Instagram!
We're ECO!
High quality and safety is our second name :)
We will help you start and not only - we prepared for you tutorials and patterns
Do you have any questions? Write an e-mail